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Total Uninstallâ„¢

Total Uninstall is a complete uninstaller which include two working modules.
  Installed Programs module analyze existing installations and create a log with installation changes. It is able to uninstall programs even without the help of supplied Add/Remove program.
  Monitored Programs module helps to monitor any changes made to your system during the installation of a new program. It allows you to perform a complete uninstall without having to rely on the supplied Add/Remove program which can leave files or changes behind.

Accurate analyze existing installations and create a log with installation changes
Monitor changes from registry and file system for new installations
graphicCompletely and thoroughly uninstall analyzed or monitored programs
graphicOrganize in groups installed or monitored programs*
graphicFind the program to uninstall by keyword quickly and easily
Summary and detailed information for each installed or monitored program
User configurable analysis and monitor profiles, views of the detected changes*
Detailed uninstall log
graphicPowerful search in detected changes*
Stand-alone and low resource usage agent for notification of running installation programs*
Export registry for install or uninstall*
graphicExport installed or monitored program list to file
graphicExport to file or print detected changes*
graphicView and apply pending file rename operations without restart

*Professional edition